
Carl Heine Music

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Liturgical Music

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an affordable option to purchasing a set number of copies.

Title Description Voicing Preview & Listen License

Gospel Blues Setting

Traditional liturgical texts are combined with elements of gospel blues and New Orleans funeral jazz. Includes accompaniment and assembly scores. Unison, Cantor $ 99.00

I Treasure Your Promise

Originally written for midweek services during the Covid-19 pandemic, a cantor presents four songs as a basis for a short service of the word, including a setting of Psalm 119:9-16. Cantor (1) $ 49.00

Jazzy ELW 4

Without noticeably changing the melodies of the time-honored liturgy for Holy Communion known as ELW setting 4, congregations breathe new life into worship with these jazz variations. Included: Kyrie, Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Offertory Response, Great Thanksgiving, Sanctus, Lamb of God and several Psalm Tone settings. Unison, Cantor $ 0.00

Psalm 22 Two Cantors

Two cantors alternate singing the words of Psalm 22 that center on the refrain "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Written for Maundy Thursday during the "stripping of the altar," this liturgical psalm is suited for other times during Holy Week. Cantors (2), Opt. Assembly $ 0.00